"The want of plenty distracted you "

[Al-Quran; Sura Al-Kautsar]

So, which road should I choose now?

[Embark on the PhD train or disembark from the study train altogether]

Friday, January 7, 2011

Keepsake from Miss Spongebob

Friday, January 7, 2011

من أراد أن يعلم منزلته عند الله فلينظر كيف منزلة الله من قلبه, فإن الله عزوجل ينزل العبد حيث أنزله العبد من نفسه 

"Sesiapa yang hendak mengetahui kedudukannya di sisi Allah maka lihatlah kedudukan Allah di dalam hatinya. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT meletakkan kedudukan hamba di sisiNya sebagaimana hamba itu meletakkaNya di dalam dirinya"

"Whoever wants to know their place/rank in Allah's sight, they need to see where is HIS position in their heart. As HE will place them like HE is placed in their heart" 

-------- Miss Spongebob posted this quote on her wall several days ago -----------

I told my students in class to upgrade their hard disk if they want more or extra capacity to hold data... But can we upgrade the heart disk to gain more space to allocate more things? How many compartments does the heart has?

-Heart Disk in binary form- 

Let's do the priority checking and eliminates the non-essential things so that the heart disk will be cleaned up. Then, execute the defragmentation button and make sure HIS allocation is the biggest!

-gonna take more than a fist to enlighten an ignorant man-

4 Roads Chosen:

Anisah Shamilah MS said...

rindu nye !!!!!

mOmO said...

rindu kat sape?
ahaks! ;)

mu'minah said...

miss spongebob rindukan patrick starfish=) makhluk pink yang comel=) hehe, menyampuk la pulak, jgn marah~ ina dah add milah, nanti setiap kali rindu, bole cari milah kat blog.
take care urself and ur imaan ok. uhibbuki fillah xoxo

mOmO said...

It's ok Ina..
Nak menyampuk banyak2 pun tak pe.. ;) Uhibbuki lillah~ <3 Pray for my Iman wellbeing..

Wish to see more arts from my artistic handy-dandy friend =)

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"where are you going? where are you going?
where are you heading? where are you heading?
TURN TO ALLAH is the best!
coz He is there wherever you are...
so turn....turn, turn to Allah
Allahu Allahu, jallaa jallaluhu"