"The want of plenty distracted you "

[Al-Quran; Sura Al-Kautsar]

So, which road should I choose now?

[Embark on the PhD train or disembark from the study train altogether]

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Have Restriction

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
O dear students!
Please don't call me at night especially midnight...

So when to call me?
At most before Isya' prayer...

But sometime you didn't pick up...
So, send me a message.. message can never be missed call...

If emergency??
Just SMS me...

If you still call me, insyaAllah..
I will not answer - never...

Have some restriction please...
Thank You!

p/s: When I was a student, I am so afraid to call my teacher eventhough the sun is still shining so bright... But now, they even call me during my bedtime... 10.45pm?? 11.00pm?? What happen to the common sense... 

5 Roads Chosen:

qalamunir said...

Momo san,

Sometimes common sense is NoT coMMon.IF that's the case people need to use CoW SensE??? Shud coW Sense doesn't exist, what more do we want to use aa??

mayoungwoong_kAzAf said...

hmmm it's normal n believe me no 1 can ever know n really understand wat does UNDERSTAND means...ignore mean ignorant leading to arrogant...therefore no specific solution 2 those UNDERSTOOD people....1 2 make sure...be patience...

mOmO said...

@qalamunir: cow sense? if we use the cow's sense, what will the cow use? we already have five sense, maybe we need to be trained in using the sixth sense..

@mayoungwoong: huhu.. that's why i told my students in class, remind them that it is inappropriate to people during their bedtime. Unless the person is your very close member, friends, bff, wifey, hubby etc..

But I think although he/she is the close friend, the person will feel disturbing... right..??


Anisah Shamilah MS said...

teringt tyme skola..
msg kawan sndiri x ingt dunia kol bape..
dah xleh buat sll..huhu~

unie said...

it's wayyyyy soooo true. gila preposterous that they can't think like a normal human being. i mean, hello.. ur lecturer needs a rest after such a long day. come on la, think straight!

in my case, kalau i cuti = sila jgn call! hahaaa..

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"where are you going? where are you going?
where are you heading? where are you heading?
TURN TO ALLAH is the best!
coz He is there wherever you are...
so turn....turn, turn to Allah
Allahu Allahu, jallaa jallaluhu"